Introduction To SEO For Blogs (No Technical Terms)

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When you write something good, it is good sense to want it to reach as wide an audience as possible. On the web, content is overflowing. How can you make sure your page ends up before the users? You use the techniques of Search Engine Optimization. In simple words, you optimize your writing in a way that it is easier for Search Engines such as Google or Bing to access it, and if you get lucky, put it on top of the list for the user’s specific inquiries.

SEO is good marketing without any investment. The term daunts people because it is technical. However, some basic rules can get you going without getting into the nitty and gritty of the science and coding behind it all. For bloggers learning SEO services can make a significant difference in the number of visitors they receive.

How to write a blog that will get read?

Let’s go through a brief introduction of how bloggers can optimize their writings through SEO.

  1. Pick a good title
    Your title is all the invitation any user needs to click on your page. You have to deliver what you have written in hundreds of words under 60 charming characters. 66 characters should be the maximum limit so that your title doesn’t get cropped by the search engine. Your title is your hook. A title is usually written around specific keywords.
  2. Use long-tail keywords
    Instead of stuffing your blog with a bunch of random keywords to rank higher on the search list, use long-tail keywords instead. For example, the search inquiry “blogs” does not tell us anything and can lead to multiple different results. So using blogs as a keyword is unhelpful. Instead, “how to write blogs” is a much more narrow and to-the-point long-tail keyword and increases the chances of your article being fully read by the user. Relevant people who have searched for that long-tail keyword will not only be inclined to stay on your page longer, but also to revisit it.
  3. Where to include your keyword?
    After you have narrowed down one or two keywords, you have to figure out how to use them strategically in your writing.
    a) Title tag: For a longer title, keep your keyword in the beginning so it gets the most focus
    b) Headers and Body: Use your keyword in your writing in a normal manner. Do not get overboard and throw it around where it is not needed. Write good content and naturally bring up your keywords.
    c) URL: Make sure the URL for your page contains your keyword. Search Engines often rely on URLs to find relevant answers to a user’s questions.
  4. Keep your blog mobile-friendly
    Most people access the internet through their smartphones today. Ensure that the platform you are using for your blog is mobile-friendly. Run a demo on both a laptop and a cell phone before publishing your blog.
  5. Link URLs
    Another organic way to improve your reach is to embed links to other articles without your post. You can also ask other people to link to your article or link someone else’s article in yours to build good faith!
  6. Add images
    Make sure you make your blog visually attractive. Use images generously, but smartly. However, if you simply add an image to the blog, it does not help your blog’s SEO. Search engines look for images with image alt text. With image alt text you provide a brief description of the image in HTML. It essentially helps the search engine ‘see’ your image. Be specific and keep the image descriptions under 125 characters.

Remember you do not have to master SEO to improve your blog’s audience. However, the simple tips mentioned above are a great introduction to SEO for your blog and will go a long way to introducing new visitors to it!