Methods of Treatment for Endometriosis


Endometriosis is a condition that is often overlooked, and most commonly misunderstood. One of the key reasons for this is the fact that the symptoms experienced by everyone, may vary. While some women experience symptoms that are mild, and partially unrecognisable, others experience symptoms that are so severe; they cannot manage the pain thereof.

Even if one is experiencing a lot of pain, it also doesn’t mean that your condition is worse than the person that’s only experiencing mild symptoms. The severity of the pain thus doesn’t indicate the stage of your condition.

Endometriosis is not recognised as an illness, but rather a disease. Some people even have the worst level of the condition, and yet still don’t experience any symptoms, which is what makes it so dangerous.

Pain, however, is often related to the condition as a symptom.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

Symptoms regarding the condition include cramps before or after a woman’s menstruation cycle, having unusual painful cycles, infertility, the discomfort of bowel movements, lower back pain, heavy menstrual bleeding and pain in your lower abdomen.

It’s clear to say that endometriosis occurs in women, rather than men.

Due to the severity of endometriosis as a condition, women must have regular check-ups with their gynaecologist and be examined on an appropriate schedule. If you’ve experienced symptoms of endometriosis in the past, or even the condition itself, you must also continue to monitor yourself and consult with a healthcare professional for added safety.


Treatment Options for Endometriosis

Depending on the severity of your condition, treatment options might vary.

Pain Medication

Since there is a high level of pain, paired with the condition, you want to relieve the symptoms as quickly as possible, which often results in having to consume pain medication.

The intensity of your medication, for example, the level of pain-relief it provides, will be prescribed by a registered health care professional for you. The pain medication required to treat the condition, can generally not be bought over a counter without a prescription.

Hormonal Contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives are fertility treatment, as it prevents the growth or build-up of endometrial tissue. Hormonal contraceptives may include birth control pills, injections and patches. It will eliminate pain, as well as prevent it. The medroxyprogesterone injection also stops menstruation, during this period, to allow for healing, rather than encouraging cancer growth.

Hormonal Therapy

This type of medication relieves pain and stops the progression of tissue growth that occurs at a faster pace with endometriosis. It also helps regulate your hormones, which is thrown off balanced, due to the condition.

Conservative and Last-Resort Surgery

In the case of medication not working, doctors and gynaecologists will recommend surgery.

Conservative surgery is implemented for women who want to get pregnant, or in the case of experiencing severe pain. The goal of the surgery is to destroy endometrial growths, without damaging a woman’s reproductive organs, while a last-resort surgery, best known as a hysterectomy, is issued by your doctor if your body doesn’t respond to other treatments.

A hysterectomy involves the removal of a woman’s cervix and uterus as well as the ovaries, as these organs are the leading cause of endometrial tissue growth. It is considered a radical approach to treatment and is only chosen in severe cases.