Opals for sale Australia Guide: Various Types Should Know About

opals for sale australia

Are you in search of the best opals for sale Australia offers? Then you are at the right place. If you didn’t know, most of the world’s opals are gotten from Australia. A staggering 97% of the world’s collections were mined from Australia.

This jewel is formed from hydrated amorphous silica. With its unique form of lustre, you would easily recognise this piece. It has a very kaleidoscopic surface with its rainbow-like hue and is believed to be magical as it holds supernatural and mystic powers.

This jewel is an invaluable gift, and its ability to blend with other gemstones is outstanding. So in this article, we have highlighted different forms of the top opals for sale Australia offers.

  • Black Opal.

This type is the most expensive and rarest of these jewels because of how hard it is to mine. It’s one of the top opals for sale Australia citizens should look for. It is referred to as ‘black’ because of its black base caused by the impurities from iron oxide. 

They are about 50 times rarer than diamonds. The body tone of this stone ranges from N1-N4. So be sure to ask your supplier first because anything lighter or higher than N4 is considered grey or dark. 

  • Boulder Type.

This piece is the second most valuable opal for sale Australia offers, just behind the black type. It gets its name from the fact that it’s gotten from an ironstone boulder underground.

It is precious for many reasons ranging from its difficulty in mining to its rarity. They account for about 5% of the world’s total opals.

  • White Type.

They aren’t as rare as the boulder or black, but it’s one of the top opals for sale Australia citizens are buzzing about. It is characterized by a milky appearance which gives it the name white. It’s also less vibrant but nonetheless beautiful.

  • Fire Type.

This piece is known to be the rarest and is not found in Australia, but it’s trendy in the gem market. It is one of the top opals for sale Australia residents are looking out for.

  • Crystal Type.

This piece has three sub-types; transparent, translucent, and semi-translucent. They are generally oval and cut with a high cabochon to enhance their appearance and colour. It’s one of the top jewels you can purchase.

  • Doublet Type 

This piece is formed when two different types are joined together by an adhesive. That means you could get a boulder and a black and join them together to become one jewel. It is for those who like variety, and every tourist would love to have them in their collection.


All these jewels are becoming popular in the Australian market due to their value and increased demand. Some reasons you should buy their varieties, beauty, and the fact that some of them are pocket-friendly. 

Ensure you look into these top opals for sale Australia citizens are buzzing about. We hope you found this article helpful. We wish you the best.